Cactus Seed Oil, also called Prickly Pear Seed Oil or Barbary Fig Oil, is an extremely potent and nutritious component that will work wonderfully in your grooming routine. You may also refer to it as simply "cactus seed oil." But don't just take our word for it; keep reading to learn about all the wonderful applications of this essential oil and how it may benefit you.
It may come as a surprise, but cactus seed oil is one of the most hydrating natural cosmetic substances that can be purchased today. You've definitely heard about the benefits that Argan Oil can have for your hair by now, right? Cactus Seed Oil, on the other hand, contains even greater concentrations of the same vitamins and antioxidants that help make Argan Oil one of the most sought-after components among a number of editors who work in the beauty and grooming industries.

The seeds of the cactus species Opuntia ficus-indica, often known as Prickly Pear and native to the Moroccan Desert, are used to make an oil that is then used for medicinal purposes. As the cactus flowers, it will produce a fruit that will be packed with these incredibly valuable small black seeds.
Farmers need to take extra precautions and use protective gloves in order to collect the matured fruit without getting splinters in their hands while extracting them from the plant. The seeds are then sorted, rinsed, and dried in the sun after being exposed to air and a drying agent.
After the seeds have been gathered, sophisticated equipment will extract the oil from them. The technique is actually pretty similar to the one used to produce extra virgin olive oil. This ensures the production of the purest oil possible, free of any dilution, chemicals, or other undesirable components.
The fact that each seed contains only about 5% oil presents a challenge, and since you need one tonne (1000 kg) of fruit to extract 25 kg of seeds and the equivalent of 1 liter of oil, the entire process is very time-consuming and resource-intensive. The challenge is that each seed only contains about 5% oil. Because of this, this oil is one of the most costly oils in the world; but, because of its potency, just a few drops will go a very long way.

We know it's the backbone of our oil, but what makes it so beneficial to your hair is still a mystery. Hair can be made healthier and shiner by using cactus seed oil, which is unusually rich in vitamin E and fatty acids. A few of the advantages are:
Because Omega Fatty Acids play an important role in promoting cell growth and development, they can also help you prevent hair loss.
It helps dry hair; in fact, it's the best thing for dry, damaged hair. In fact, the plant that yields this oil is well-known for its ability to survive in extremely dry, sandy environments in the desert. The plant's ability to hold and trap water is transferred to the oil, which in turn helps repair damage to the hair, such as split ends and broken follicles. It is also rich in vitamin B5, which aids each hair follicle in holding onto water and nutrients.
Exceptional for calming inflamed, itching scalps: Vitamin E, on the other hand, shields your scalp and aids in keeping it wet, preventing the irritating dry, and itchy scalp problem that some men have.
Is it safe to assume that we've won you over? We still have some of our brand-new Karmus Oil, which is packed with Cactus Seed Oil and is on sale, so don't hesitate to get some. As a follow-up to one of our styling products, it will leave your hair feeling silky smooth, shining, and hydrated.
Cactus seed oil, as a bonus fun fact, smells a little fruity but not too sweet. It's not floral at all, but rather leaves you feeling fresh, cool, and energized—exactly how a Funky Fella ought to feel!